This report provides a Europe-wide state-of-play of adaptation activities, which is presented in three sections.
Section 1 frames the issue of adaptation to climate change within the context of policy-making, and provides an overview of the rationales for public intervention on adaptation.
Section 2 presents the main findings stemming from the self-assessment survey sent to the European countries in May 2013. The section is split up into the following eight Key Topics (sub-sections 2.1 to 2.8), which are also illustrated in Figure 1.2 below:
Figure 1.2 Illustrative schematic overview of the eight Key Topics in connection with the policy cycle (Key Topics in black; stages of policy cycle in green)
Findings for each Key Topic are presented according to the following structure:
Key Topics can be read independently, depending on the reader's main interests. The complete set, however, provides a broad overview of the state of play of adaptation in European countries.