Table of contents

6. References

Introductory chapters

EC – European Commission (2013a) An EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change, COM (2013) 216 final.

EC – European Commission (2013b) Guidelines on developing adaptation strategies, Staff Working Document (2013) 134 final.

EEA - European Environment Agency (2013) Adaptation in Europe – Addressing risks and opportunities from climate change in the context of socio-economic developments, EEA Report, No 3/2013, Copenhagen.

EEA – European Environment Agency (2012a) Urban adaptation to climate change in EuropeChallenges and opportunities for cities together with supportive national and European policies, EEA Report 2/2012, Copenhagen. .

EEA - Environment Agency (2012b) Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012 — An indicator-based report, EEA Report No 12/2012, European Environment Agency.

IPCC (2013) - Stocker, T. F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S. K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex and P. M. Midgley (eds.) (2013) Climate Change: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.

IPCC (2014) - Mimura, N., Pulwarty, R., Duc, D.M., Elshinnawy, I., Redsteer, M.H., Huang, H.-Q., Nkem, J.N. and Rodriguez, R.A.S. (2014) Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, C.B. Field, V.R. Barros et al., Eds. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (in press).

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Section 1 - Rationale for public intervention on adaptation

Edquist and Chaminade (2006) Rationales for public policy intervention from systems of innovation approach: the case of VINNOVA. Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy (CIRCLE). Lund University, Sweden.

EC - Europeam Commission (2013) Communication from the commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. An EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change, COM (2013) 216 final. Brussels, Belgium.

EC - Europeam Commission (2013) Communication from the commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. An EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change, Impact Assessment - Part I. SWD(2013) 132 final. Brussels, Belgium.

EC - European Commission (2014) Sixth national communication and first biennial report from the European Union under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). {C(2014) 3 final}

EEA - Environment Agency (2012) Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012 — An indicator-based report, EEA Report No 12/2012, European Environment Agency.

European Environment Agency (2013) Adaptation in Europe – Addressing risks and opportunities from climate change in the context of socio-economic developments, EEA Report, No 3/2013, Copenhagen.

IPCC 2014 - Mimura, N., Pulwarty, R., Duc, D.M., Elshinnawy, I., Redsteer, M.H., Huang, H.-Q., Nkem, J.N. and Rodriguez, R.A.S. (2014) Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, C.B. Field, V.R. Barros et al., Eds. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (in press).

McCallum, S., Dworak, T., Prutsch, A., Kent, N., Mysiak, J., Bosello, F., Klostermann, J., Dlugolecki, A., Williams, E., König, M., Leitner, M., Miller, K., Harley, M., Smithers, R., Berglund, M., Glas, N., Romanovska, L., van de Sandt, K., Bachschmidt, R., Völler, S., Horrocks, L. (2013) Support to the development of the EU Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change: Background report to the Impact Assessment, Part I – Problem definition, policy context and assessment of policy options. Environment Agency Austria, Vienna.

Prutsch, A., Grothmann, T., McCallum, S., Schauser, I. and R. Swart (Eds.) (2014) Climate change adaptation manual. Lessons learned from European and other industrialised countries. Routledge, London.

Tompkins, E.L., W.N. Adger, E. Boyd, S. Nicholson-Cole, K. Weatherhead, and A. Arnell, 2010, Observed adaptation to climate change: UK evidence of transition to a well-adapting society. Global Environmental Change, 20(4), 627-635.

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Section 2 - Key findings on adaptation policy processes across Europe

Key Topic 1 – Public and policy awareness of the need for adaptation

Chess, C. and Johnson B.B. (2013) Information is not enough. In Creating a Climate for Change: Communicating Climate change and Facilitating Social Change, edited by S.C. Moser and L. Dilling Ed, Cambridge University Press

EC (2013a) An EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change, COM (2013) 216 final.

EC (2013b) Guidelines on developing adaptation strategies, Staff Working Document (2013) 134 final.

European Environment Agency (2013) Adaptation in Europe – Addressing risks and opportunities from climate change in the context of socio-economic developments, EEA Report, No 3/2013, Copenhagen.

IPCC (2012) Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation. A Special Report of Working Groups I and II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Field, C.B., V. Barros, T.F. Stocker, D. Qin, D.J. Dokken, K.L. Ebi, M.D. Mastrandrea, K.J. Mach, G.-K. Plattner, S.K. Allen, M. Tignor, and P.M. Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, and New York, NY, USA, 582 pp

IPCC (2013) - Stocker, T. F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S. K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex and P. M. Midgley (eds.) (2013) Climate Change: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.

IPCC 2014 - Mimura, N., Pulwarty, R., Duc, D.M., Elshinnawy, I., Redsteer, M.H., Huang, H.-Q., Nkem, J.N. and Rodriguez, R.A.S. (2014) Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, C.B. Field, V.R. Barros et al., Eds. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (in press).

Kahan, D. ( 2010) Fixing the communication failure, Nature 463, 296-297

Keskitalo, E. C. H., Westerhoff, L., and Juhola, S. (2012) Agenda-setting on the environment: The development of climate change adaptation as an issue in European states. Environmental Policy and Governance.

Nisbet, M.C. and Myers, T. (2007) The Polls-Trends: Twenty years of public opinion about global warming, Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 71, No. 3, Fall 2007, pp. 444–470doi: 10.1093/poq/nfm031

Pidgeon, N (2012) Public understanding of, and attitudes to, climate change: UK and international perspectives and policies, Climate Policy 12, 86-106

Stern, N. (2006) Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, HM Treasury London

Swart, R., Robbert Biesbroek, Sven Binnerup, Timothy R. Carter, Caroline Cowan, Thomas Henrichs, Sophie Loquoen, Hanna Mela, Michael Morecroft, Moritz Reese and Daniela Rey, (2009) Europe Adapts to Climate Change: Comparing National Adaptation Strategies, PEER Report No 1 Helsinki, Partnership for European Environmental Research

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Key Topic 2 – Knowledge generation and use

BMU (2014) Sixth National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change-Report by the German Federal Government.

Clar, C., Prutsch, A., and R. Steurer (2013) Barriers and guidelines for public policies on climate change adaptation: A missed opportunity of scientific knowledge-brokerage. Natural Resources Forum 37: 1-18.

Davies P. (2004) Is Evidence-Based Government Possible? Jerry Lee Lecture 2004, presented to the Campbell Collaboration Colloquium, Washington DC, 19th February 2004

DEFRA (2012) UK Climate Change Risk Assessment: Government Report. ISBN: 9780108511257

Edelenbos, J., Buuren van, A., and N. van Schie (2011) Co-producing knowledge: joint knowledge production between experts, bureaucrats and stakeholders in Dutch water management projects. Environmental Science and Policy 14: 675-684.

EC – European Commission (2013) Communication from the commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. An EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change, COM (2013) 216 final.

EEA - European Environment Agency (2013) Adaptation in Europe – Addressing risks and opportunities from climate change in the context of socio-economic developments, EEA Report, No 3/2013, Copenhagen.

Falaleeva, M., Gray, S., O'Mahony, C. and J. Gault (2013) Coastal Climate Adaptation in Ireland: Assessing current conditions and enhancing the capacity for climate resilience in local coastal management (2008-CCRP 3.6). CCRP Report. Environmental Protection Agency.

Füssel, M. and M. Hilden (2014, In press) Chapter 3. How is uncertainty addressed in the knowledge base for national adaptation planning?" In CIRCLE 2 Joint Initiative on Climate Uncertainties"

Gray, S.R.J., Gagnon, A.S., Gray, S.A., O'Dwyer, B., O'Mahony, C., Muir, D., Devoy, R.J.N., Faleleeva, M. and J. Gault (2013) Are coastal managers detecting the problem? Assessing stakeholder perception of climate vulnerability using Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping. Ocean and Coastal Management.

Hanger, S., Pfenninger, S., Dreyfus, M. and A. Patt (2013) Knowledge and information needs of adaptation policy-makers: A European study. Regional Environmental Change 13: 91-101.

IPCC (2012) Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation. A Special Report of Working Groups I and II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Field, C.B., V. Barros, T.F. Stocker, D. Qin, D.J. Dokken, K.L. Ebi, M.D. Mastrandrea, K.J. Mach, G.-K. Plattner, S.K. Allen, M. Tignor, and P.M. Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, and New York, NY, USA, 582 pp.

M.D. Mastrandrea, K.J. Mach, G.-K. Plattner, S.K. Allen, M. Tignor, and P.M. Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, and New York, NY, USA, 582 pp.

McKibbin, W. J. and P. J. Wilcoxen (2003) Climate policy and uncertainty: the roles of adaptation versus mitigation. Australian National University. Economics and Environment Network Working Paper. EEN0306.

Medri, S., Venturini, S. and S. Castellari (2013) Overview of climate change impacts, vulnerabilities and related adaptation initiatives in Italy. CMCC Research Paper.

MHSPE (2009) Fifth Netherlands' National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Mitter, H., Kirchner, M., Schmid, E. and M. Schönhart (2014) The participation of agricultural stakeholders in assessing regional vulnerability of cropland to soil water erosion in Austria. Regional Environmental Change: 14:385-400.

Moss, R.H., Meehl, G.A., Lemos, M.C., Smith,J.B., Arnold,J.R., Arnott, J.C. Behar, D., Brasseur, G.P., Broomell, S.B., Busalacchi,A.J., Dessai, S.,  Ebi, K.L., Edmonds, J.A., Furlow, J., Goddard, L., Hartmann, H.C., Hurrell, J.W., Katzenberger, J.W., Liverman, D.M., Mote, P.W., Moser, S.C., Kumar, A., Pulwarty, R.S., Seyller, E.A., Turner II, B.L., Washington, W.M. and T.J. Wilbanks  (2013). Hell and High Water: Practice-Relevant Adaptation Science. Science 342: 696-698.

WHO (2013) Protecting Health from Climate Change. ISBN: 9789241564687

Zebisch, M., Grothmann, T., Schröter, D., Hasse, C., Fritsch, U., Cramer, W. (2005) Climate Change in Germany. Vulnerability and Adaptation of climate sensitive Sectors, UBA - Federal Environmental Agency.

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Key Topic 3 – Planning adaptation

Brown, A., Gawith, M., Lonsdale, K. and P. Pringle (2011) Managing adaptation: linking theory and practice. UKCIP.

EC – European Commission (2011) Communication from the COM to the EP, the council, the economic and social committee and the committee of the regions. Our life insurance, our natioral capital: an EU biodiversity strategy to 2020.

EC – European Commission (2013) Guidelines on developing adaptation strategies, SWD (2013) 134, Brussels. swd_2013_134_en.pdf 

IPCC 2014 - Mimura, N., Pulwarty, R., Duc, D.M., Elshinnawy, I., Redsteer, M.H., Huang, H.-Q., Nkem, J.N. and Rodriguez, R.A.S. (2014) Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, C.B. Field, V.R. Barros et al., Eds. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (in press).

Lim, Bo and E. Spanger-Siegfried (2004) Adaptation Policy Frameworks for Climate Change: Developing Strategies, Policies and Measures. UNDP, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

PROVIA (2013) PROVIA Guidance on Assessing Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation to Climate Change. Consultation document, United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya, 198 pp.

Prutsch, A., Grothmann, T., McCallum, S., Schauser, I. and R. Swart (Eds.) (2014) Climate change adaptation manual. Lessons learned from European and other industrialised countries. Routledge, London.

Vetter, A. and I. Schauser (2013) Adaptation to Climate Change. Prioritizing Measures in the German Adaptation Strategy. GAIA 22/4: 248-254.

Watkiss, P. and Hunt, A. (2013) Method Overview: Decision Support Methods for Adaptation, Briefing Note 1. Summary of Methods and Case Study Examples from the MEDIATION Project. Funded by the EC’s 7FWP.

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Key Topic 4 – Coordination of adaptation

Christensen, T. and Lægreid, P. (2008) The Challenge of Coordination in Central Government Organizations: The Norwegian Case, Public Organization Review 8:97–116, doi 10.1007/s11115-008-0058-3.

EC (2013a) An EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change, COM (2013) 216 final.

European Environment Agency (2013) Adaptation in Europe – Addressing risks and opportunities from climate change in the context of socio-economic developments, Copenhagen.

Juhola, S. and Westerhoff, L. (2011) Challenges of adaptation to climate change across multiple scales: a case study of network governance in two European countries. Environmental Science & Policy 14(3), 239–247. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2010.12.006

McConnell, A. (2010) Policy Success, Policy Failure and Grey Areas In-Between. Journal of Public Policy 30(03), 345–362. doi:10.1017/S0143814X10000152

Pahl-Wostl, C., Lebel, L., Knieper, C. and Nikitina, E. (2012) From applying panaceas to mastering complexity: Toward adaptive water governance in river basins. Environmental Science & Policy 23, 24–34. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2012.07.014

Russel, D. et al. (forthcoming) Knowledge use, knowledge needs and policy integration in Member States, BASE Project Deliverable 2.2.

Schout, A. and Jordan, A. (2005) Coordinated European Governance: Self-Organizing or Centrally Steered? Public Administration 83(1), 201–220. doi:10.1111/j.0033-3298.2005.00444.x

Venturini, S., Capela Lourenco, T., Avelar, D., Castellari, S., Leitner, M. and Prutsch, A. (forthcoming) Do political systems matter? Differences and similarities in institutional settings that support national adaptation strategies across European States. Under preparation.

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Key Topic 5 – Stakeholder involvement

Amaru, S. and Chhetri, N. B. (2013) Climate adaptation: Institutional response to environmental constraints, and the need for increased flexibility, participation, and integration of approaches. Applied Geography 39, 128–139. doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2012.12.006

André, P., B. Enserink, D. Connor and P. Croal (2006) Public Participation International Best Practice Principles.  Special Publication Series No. 4. Fargo, USA: International Association for Impact Assessment.

Bauer, A. and Steurer, R. (2014) Multi-level governance of climate change adaptation through regional partnerships in Canada and England. Geoforum 51, 121–129. doi:10.1016/j.geoforum.2013.10.006

Berrang-Ford, L., Ford, J. D. and Paterson, J. (2011) Are we adapting to climate change? Global Environmental Change 21(1), 25–33. doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2010.09.012

Cannon, T. and Müller-Mahn, D. (2010) Vulnerability, resilience and development discourses in context of climate change. Natural Hazards 55(3), 621–635. doi:10.1007/s11069-010-9499-4

EC – European Commission (2013a) An EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change, COM (2013) 216 final.

Few, R., Brown, K. and Tompkins, E. L. (2007) Public participation and climate change adaptation: avoiding the illusion of inclusion. Climate Policy 7(1), 46–59. doi:10.1080/14693062.2007.9685637

Innes J. E. and Booher D.E. (2005) Reframing Public Participation: Strategies for the 21st Century Planning Theory & Practice Volume 5, No. 4, pp. 419–436

Luyet, V., Schlaepfer, R., Parlange, M. B. and Buttler, A. (2012) A framework to implement Stakeholder participation in environmental projects. Journal of Environmental Management 111, 213–219. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2012.06.026

MEDIATION Adaptation Platform (2013) ‘MAP – Toolbox home’ ( last accessed 15 May 2014.

IPCC 2014 - Mimura, N., Pulwarty, R., Duc, D.M., Elshinnawy, I., Redsteer, M.H., Huang, H.-Q., Nkem, J.N. and Rodriguez, R.A.S. (2014) Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, C.B. Field, V.R. Barros et al., Eds. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (in press).

Rotter, M., Hoffman, E., Hirschfeld, J., Schröder, A., Mohaupt, F., and Schäfer, L. (2013) Stakeholder Participation in Adaptation to Climate Change – Lessons and Experience from German Dialogue Processes.  Dessau-Roßlau, Germany: Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt).

Schröter, D., Polsky, C. and Patt, A. G. (2005) Assessing vulnerabilities to the effects of global change: an eight step approach. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 10(4), 573–595. doi:10.1007/s11027-005-6135-

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Key Topic 6 – Implementation of adaptation

Benzi, M. and O. Wallgren in Prutsch, A., Grothmann, T., McCallum, S., Schauser, I. and R. Swart (Eds.) (2014) Climate change adaptation manual. Lessons learned from European and other industrialised countries. Routledge, London.

Biesbroek, G.R. (2014) Challenging barriers in the governance of climate change adaptation., PhD dissertation. Wageningen University.

Doll, C. (2012) Evolution of Long-Term Vulnerability of Transportation. 91st TRB Annual Meeting, 22.1.2012, Washington D.C. Available at:

EC – European Commission (2013) Commission Staff Working Document – Accompanying document to the EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change. Impact Assessment – Part 1. COM (2013) 216 final .

EEA – European Environment Agency (2013) Adaptation in Europe. Addressing risks and opportunities from climate change in the context of socio-economic developments, EEA Report 3/2013, Copenhagen.

EEA – European Environment Agency (2012) Urban adaptation to climate change in EuropeChallenges and opportunities for cities together with supportive national and European policies, EEA Report 2/2012, Copenhagen. .

IPCC (Adger, W.N., Agrawala, S., Mirza, M.M.Q., Conde, C., O’Brien, K., Pulhin, J., Pulwarty, R., Smit, B., Takahashi, K.) (2007): Assessment of adaptation practices, options, constraints and capacity. Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. In: M.L. Parry, O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden, C.E. Hanson (Eds.), Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (pp. 717–743). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

IPCC (McCarthy, J., Canziani, O.F., Leary, N.A., Dokken, D.J., White, K.S.) (Eds) (2001): Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Third Assessemnt Report of the IPCC.

IPCC (Mimura, N., Pulwarty, R., Duc, D.M., Elshinnawy, I., Redsteer, M.H., Huang, H.-Q., Nkem, J.N. and Rodriguez, R.A.S. 2014) (2014). Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, C.B. Field, V.R. Barros et al., Eds. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (in press).

Lim, B., Spanger-Siegfried, E., Burton, I., Malone, E., Huq, S. (Eds.) (2004) Adaptation Policy Frameworks for Climate Change. Developing Strategies, Policies and Measures. UNDP, Cambridge University Press, p255.Dupuis and Knoepfel 2013

McCallum, S., Dworak, T., Prutsch, A., Kent, N., Mysiak, J., Bosello, F., Klostermann, J., Dlugolecki, A., Williams, E., König, M., Leitner, M., Miller, K., Harley, M., Smithers, R., Berglund, M., Glas, N., Romanovska, L., van de Sandt, K., Bachschmidt, R., Völler, S., Horrocks, L. (2013) Support to the development of the EU Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change: Background report to the Impact Assessment, Part I – Problem definition, policy context and assessment of policy options. Environment Agency Austria, Vienna.

Prutsch, A., Grothmann, T., McCallum, S., Schauser, I. and R. Swart (Eds.) (2014) Climate change adaptation manual. Lessons learned from European and other industrialised countries. Routledge, London.

Surminski, S. (2013) Private sector adaptation in climate-risk. Nature Climate Change vol. 3, pp 943-945

Swart, R.J., Biesbroek, G.R., Binnerup, S., Carter, T.R., Henrichs, T., Loquen, S., et al., 2009. Europe Adapts to Climate Change: Comparing National Adaptation Strategies (No. 01/2009) Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Helsinki.

Wirth, V., Prutsch, A. and T. Grothmann (2014) Communicating Climate Change Adaptation: State-of-the-art and lessons learned from 10 OECD Countries. GAIA 23/1: 30-39.

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Key Topic 7 – Transnational cooperation

Bontenbal, M. and van Lindert, P. (2009) Transnational city-to-city cooperation: Issues arising from theory and practice. Habitat International 33(2), 131–133. doi:10.1016/j.habitatint.2008.10.009

Covenant of Mayors (2013) ‘News: Warsaw 2013: European Parliament says Covenant Signatories « should be used as an example »’ ( last accessed 15 May 2014.

Dieltjens, I. and Van Den Langenbergh, V. (2005) The SCALDIT project: An Interreg IIIB NWE project aiming at the transnational characterisation of the Scheldt International River Basin District. Environmental Science & Policy 8(3), 239–243. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2005.02.004

EC – European Commission (2000) Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for the Community action in the field of water policy (OJ L 327, 22.12.2000, p.1-73).

EC – European Commission (2014) ‘Transnational co-operation programmes – EU Regional policy’ ( accessed 15 May 2014.

Grande, E. and Peschke, A. (1999) Transnational cooperation and policy networks in European science policy-making. Research Policy 28(1), 43–61. doi:10.1016/S0048-7333(98)00099-7

HELCOM (2013) Climate change in the Baltic Sea Area - HELCOM thematic assessment in 2013 (No. 137). Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings. HELCOM, Helsinki.

Pinto, R. and Martins, F. C. (2013) The Portuguese National Strategy for Integrated Coastal Zone Management as a spatial planning instrument to climate change adaptation in the Minho River Estuary (Portugal NW-Coastal Zone). Environmental Science & Policy 33, 76–96. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2013.04.005

UNECE (2009) Guidance on Water and Adaptation to Climate Change. UNECE, Geneva.  (visited 29 November 2013)

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Key Topic 8 – Monitoring, reporting and evaluation

Adaptation Sub-Committee (ASC) Progress Report (2011). Adapting to climate change in the UK, Measuring progress.

Bours, D., McGinn, C., and Pringle, P. (2014) Twelve reasons why climate change adaptation M&E is challenging. SEA Change CoP, Phnom Penh and UKCIP, Oxford.

Chan (2013) Adaptation Committee Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation of Adaptation, Summary of Key Messages. Part of Webinar: New developments in national adaptation M&E. December 2013. ).

EC( 2013a) An EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change, COM (2013) 216 final.

EC, (2013b) Guidelines on developing adaptation strategies, Staff Working Document (2013) 134 final.

EC (2011) Article 16 EC COM(2011) 789 final – . Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on a mechanism for monitoring and reporting greenhouse gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change.   Final 

EEA (2013) Adaptation in Europe Adaptation in Europe - Addressing risks and opportunities from climate change in the context of socio-economic developments. EEA Report No 3/2013.

Lamhauge, N., E. Lanzi and S. Agrawala (2011) “Monitoring and Evaluation for Adaptation: Lessons from Development Co-operation Agencies”, OECD Environment Working Papers, No. 38, OECD Publishing.

Leitner, T. (2013) Recommendations for Adaptation M&E in Practice: Discussion Paper. GIZ

OECD DAC Glossary –Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management. OECD.

Olivier J., Leiter T, Linke J. (2013) Adaptation made to measure: A guidebook to the design and results-based monitoring of climate change adaptation projects. GIZ.

Mullan, M., Kingsmill, N, Kramer, A.M. and S Agrawala1 (2013) National Adaptation Planning. Lessons from OECD Countries. France.

Pringle, P. (2011) AdaptME: Adaptation monitoring and evaluation. UKCIP, Oxford, UK.

Spearman M, and McGray, H. Making Adaptation Count, Concepts and Options for Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation. World Resources Institute (2011) )

UNFCCC. Synthesis report on efforts undertaken to monitor and evaluate the implementation of adaptation projects, policies and programmes and the costs and effectiveness of completed projects, policies and programmes, and views on lessons learned, good practices, gaps and needs . FCCC/SBSTA/2010/5.2010, )

(Germany reference link: )

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Section 3 - The evolving agenda for national adaptation in Europe

Biesbroek, G.R., Swart, R.J., Carter, T.R., Cowan, C., Henrichs, T., Mela, H., Morecroft, M.D., Rey, D., 2010. Europe adapts to climate change: Comparing National Adaptation Strategies. Global Environmental Change 20(3), 440-450.

EEA (2013) Adaptation in Europe Adaptation in Europe - Addressing risks and opportunities from climate change in the context of socio-economic developments. EEA Report No 3/2013.

Grothmann, T., A. Patt. (2005) Adaptive capacity and human cognition: The process of individual adaptation to climate change. Global Environmental Change 15/3: 199–213.

IPCC (Mimura, N., Pulwarty, R., Duc, D.M., Elshinnawy, I., Redsteer, M.H., Huang, H.-Q., Nkem, J.N. and Rodriguez, R.A.S. 2014) (2014). Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, C.B. Field, V.R. Barros et al., Eds. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (in press).

Wirth, V., Prutsch, A. and T. Grothmann (2014) Communicating Climate Change Adaptation: State-of-the-art and lessons learned from 10 OECD Countries. GAIA 23/1: 30-39.

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Additional references

Burton, I., Huq, S., Lim, B., Pilifosova, O., and E. L. Schipper (2002). From impacts assessment to adaptation priorities: the shaping of adaptation policy. Climate Policy 2 (2): 145-159

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