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Findings for each Key Topic are presented according to the following structure:

  1. Key messages: this section summarises the findings in the form of short take-away messages.
  2. What does this Key Topic include?: this section defines the scope of the Key Topic within the context of this report, and lists the questions from the self-assessment survey used to compile the Key Topic.
  3. Findings from the self-assessment survey: this section reports the main findings from the self-assessment survey under a series of sub-headings reflecting the key messages.
  4. Examples from individual countries: the self-assessment survey allowed countries to submit information about examples that they consider as good adaptation practices, and this section reports some of these examples relevant to the Key Topic.
  5. Discussion of findings: the self-assessment survey’s findings are put in perspective and discussed within the context of other sources of information (e.g. EEA, 2013; EC, 2013a; EC, 2013b, IPCC-WG II 2014 and other scientific literature).

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