Table of contents

2.6. Key Topic 6: Implementation of adaptation


  • Ten out of 30 European countries report to be in the implementation stage of the adaptation policy process.
  • Most adaptation actions were reported to be implemented at national level (i.e. nationally funded or targeting the whole country). In terms of sectoral coverage most adaptation takes place in relation to water.
  • The most common policy instrument for implementing adaptation is the provision of information, followed by the mainstreaming of adaptation into sector policies and action plans.
  • Project-based support was reported as the most important financing mechanism currently in place for implementing adaptation. Budget allocations for implementing adaptation are most frequently made in the water and agriculture sectors.
  • Due to the short history of adaptation, implementation is still at an early stage, and is often carried out by applying “soft” measures (e.g. providing information or mainstreaming). As adaptation in European countries evolves, more progress on implementation is likely to be seen in the near future.
  • ambatfin (Fina Ambatlle) 30 Jun 2014 16:34:50

    Acording to (page 17) Methodological approach

    " Specifically, it might not have been possible to consult the sub-national administrative levels and to provide a coordinated response that reflects the view of all levels of government ".

     Futher more we propose to change in the Key message 2:

    Most adaptation actions were reported to be implemented at national level (i.e. nationally funded or targeting the whole country).

     for this:  

     Most adaptation actions were reported by the national administrative level were to be implemented at national level. Actions at subnational and local level are not fully included due to the mecanism of reporting (see page 17 Methodological approach)

    • prutsand (Andrea Prutsch) 28 Jul 2014 15:30:14

      acknowledged - included in the methodological approach section

  • mahrepet (Petra Mahrenholz) 18 Jul 2014 10:27:42

    "Implementation of adaptation": We don´t share the understanding of implementation as provision of information and  mainstreaming. To our point of view this is part of an earlier stage of the policy cycle.


    • prutsand (Andrea Prutsch) 28 Jul 2014 15:30:32


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