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Type Title Restrictions Owner Modification date and time File size Edit
BINARY Suggestions_Willem_Ligtvoet Download Hans-Martin Füssel 01/02/2019, 14:35 12 KB
BINARY Suggestions_Markus_Leitner Download Hans-Martin Füssel 01/02/2019, 14:35 12 KB
DOCX Scoping paper following key deliverable Download Hans-Martin Füssel 26/09/2019, 12:31 2 MB
DOCX Protocol_kick-off-Meeting Download zebismar (disabled) 14/02/2019, 10:48 32 KB
DOCX Draft scoping paper Download (2 versions) Hans-Martin Füssel 08/04/2019, 16:12 412 KB
DOCX Draft annotated outline of scoping paper Download (2 versions) Hans-Martin Füssel 26/02/2019, 10:14 19 KB
DOCX Deliverable scoping paper Download (6 versions) Hans-Martin Füssel 10/09/2019, 16:46 2 MB
DOCX 190214 Minutes of conference call Download Hans-Martin Füssel 18/02/2019, 13:01 20 KB
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