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Type Title Restrictions Owner Modification date and time File size Edit
DOCX Factsheet for new measures - Introduction and Guidance27042015 Download rommewou (disabled) 13/10/2015, 09:29 14 KB
DOCX Factsheet_combined DE and BE_final 26052015 Download rommewou (disabled) 13/10/2015, 09:29 33 KB
PPT Figur common understanding Download rommewou (disabled) 13/10/2015, 09:29 1 MB
DOCX Methodology on cost benefit assessment Black Sea final Download rommewou (disabled) 13/10/2015, 09:29 60 KB
PPT Other activties and related PoMs projects 17.06.2015 RO Download rommewou (disabled) 13/10/2015, 09:29 6 MB
PPTX RO_implementation_MSFD_Constanta Download rommewou (disabled) 13/10/2015, 09:29 787 KB
PPTX Short summary_WRO_170615 Download rommewou (disabled) 13/10/2015, 09:29 3 MB
PPTX The Marine Strategy Framework Directive Download rommewou (disabled) 13/10/2015, 09:29 1 MB
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