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Figure 1.2 Illustrative schematic overview of adaptation policy progress as reported by European countries (Question 12)

Previous comments

  • vandevin (Vincent Van Den Bergen) 11 Jun 2014 11:47:55

    See earlier comment. Netherlands is certainly in the implementaion stage when it comes to the focus on water related issues, this should be identifeid in the figure. Formulation phase for the Netherlands is valid for the broadening to the exploration of remaining risks like in sectors as health and cross-sectoral issues.   

    • isoarst (Stéphane ISOARD) 03 Jul 2014 11:11:20

      Addressed - One additional finding has been drafted to reflect this issue

  • minnen (Jelle Van Minnen) 25 Jun 2014 14:14:55

    Figure numbering inconsistent in summary and chapter 1 (e.g. twice figure 1.2)

    • isoarst (Stéphane ISOARD) 03 Jul 2014 11:12:05

      Addressed - Will be dealt with during editing

  • minnen (Jelle Van Minnen) 25 Jun 2014 14:16:17

    Figure 1.2 (pg 11)/Figure 2.3 (pg 31) could lead to wrong impressions. Adaptation in countries is not a single process, but largely varies across sectors. Different priorities exist with different levels of implementation (see also Table 2.11 pg 98). E.g. policies in the Netherlands regarding water safety is already in far stage of development (legislation will be discussed in parliament mid September 2014). This variation among sectors cannot be depicted by a single figure.

    • isoarst (Stéphane ISOARD) 03 Jul 2014 11:12:35

      Addressed - One additional finding has been drafted to reflect this issue

  • cegartan (Tanja Cegnar) 26 Jun 2014 12:15:45

    should be listed at point 2 (Agenda setting). A draft prepared just before the Governmental Office for Climate Change was suppressed is not relevant any more. Last year we were too optimistic regarding the willingness of our government to support activities related to adaptation to climate change. The nominated intersectoral group on adaptation to climate change did not convene during the last year.

    • prutsand (Andrea Prutsch) 28 Jul 2014 15:15:29


  • zollemar (Martina Zoller) 26 Jun 2014 15:12:32

    Please add Switzerland to the implementation stage (see updated survey and page 94 of report).

    • isoarst (Stéphane ISOARD) 03 Jul 2014 11:17:15

      Addressed - We have made the correction

  • bogaejoh (Johan Bogaert) 27 Jun 2014 10:57:55

    Put Belgium at the implemantation fase... (?)

    This is the same questions as for quite some countries and about my earlier comment. Planning is intended to be before implementation but often is it first some implementation and then (afterwards) the need for planning just jumps up. So In all parts of Belgium there is implementation while not all regions have their action plans adopted.

    And what do we do with different speed of implementation of the different governments. In Flanders een action plan is adopted. In Brussels actions are incorporated in other plans. In the Walloon part the public hearing is started for the plan. And the federal plan is finished but need to be adopted by the new minister. A national action plan is on the way but will not touch at regional or federal actions.

    Are we in the implementation fase or not?

    • prutsand (Andrea Prutsch) 11 Jul 2014 15:35:13

      As agreed via email, Belgium has been put into the implementation stage.

      Put Belgium at the implemantation fase... (?)

      This is the same questions as for quite some countries and about my earlier comment. Planning is intended to be before implementation but often is it first some implementation and then (afterwards) the need for planning just jumps up. So In all parts of Belgium there is implementation while not all regions have their action plans adopted.

      And what do we do with different speed of implementation of the different governments. In Flanders een action plan is adopted. In Brussels actions are incorporated in other plans. In the Walloon part the public hearing is started for the plan. And the federal plan is finished but need to be adopted by the new minister. A national action plan is on the way but will not touch at regional or federal actions.

      Are we in the implementation fase or not?

  • francgio (Francesca Giordano) 01 Jul 2014 15:55:07

    Please move Italy to the Formulation stage (stage 3). The National Adaptation Strategy has been prepared and will be adopted by 2014 (there is not yet an official date).

    • isoarst (Stéphane ISOARD) 03 Jul 2014 11:30:13


  • isoarst (Stéphane ISOARD) 03 Jul 2014 10:53:29

    General comment from Greece:

    Dear Stéphane,


    I would like to thank you for the draft -very informative- report you have sent us regarding the forthcoming 2014 EEA report ‘National adaptation policy processes across European countries - 2014’.


    I would also like to send you some comments, as I couldn’t use the online review platform (I have forgotten my EIONET Account credentials, but I couldn’t recover them using the form:, as I have entered my email address and there was appeared a signal: “email address not found in database”).


    Our Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, has called for tender for the “National Adaptation Strategy”.

    Therefore, as regards the EEA DRAFT Report, in Annex 1: Self-assessment of the adaptation policy process in EEA member countries (page 155), Part II: The adaptation policy process (page 156), for the question “ In what stage of the adaptation policy process is your country in”, our answer is :    ☐…Agenda setting (i.e. adaptation is politically recognised as important).


    This means that we should have some changes to the draft report, as follows:


    • At page 11: Figure 1.2 Illustrative schematic overview of adaptation policy progress as reported by European countries (Question 12), and


    • At page 31: Figure 2.3 Illustrative schematic overview of adaptation policy progress as reported by European countries


     Greece would be at stage 2 (Agenda setting) and not at stage 1 (not yet started).

    • prutsand (Andrea Prutsch) 14 Jul 2014 09:48:32


      General comment from Greece:

      Dear Stéphane,


      I would like to thank you for the draft -very informative- report you have sent us regarding the forthcoming 2014 EEA report ‘National adaptation policy processes across European countries - 2014’.


      I would also like to send you some comments, as I couldn’t use the online review platform (I have forgotten my EIONET Account credentials, but I couldn’t recover them using the form:, as I have entered my email address and there was appeared a signal: “email address not found in database”).


      Our Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, has called for tender for the “National Adaptation Strategy”.

      Therefore, as regards the EEA DRAFT Report, in Annex 1: Self-assessment of the adaptation policy process in EEA member countries (page 155), Part II: The adaptation policy process (page 156), for the question “ In what stage of the adaptation policy process is your country in”, our answer is :    ☐…Agenda setting (i.e. adaptation is politically recognised as important).


      This means that we should have some changes to the draft report, as follows:


      • At page 11: Figure 1.2 Illustrative schematic overview of adaptation policy progress as reported by European countries (Question 12), and


      • At page 31: Figure 2.3 Illustrative schematic overview of adaptation policy progress as reported by European countries


       Greece would be at stage 2 (Agenda setting) and not at stage 1 (not yet started).

  • ketskatr 07 Jul 2014 21:06:45

    Figure 1.2  (Question 12) - Estonia should be at the same level with Latvia, phase number 3 (at the formulation phase). We are currently developing adaptation strategy and the strategy document will be completed latest by March 2016.

    • prutsand (Andrea Prutsch) 14 Jul 2014 09:50:05

      We have addressed this comment and put Estionia into formulation stage

  • prutsand (Andrea Prutsch) 14 Jul 2014 11:25:34

    For Hungary:

    Put Hungary into decision making stage.

    Comment: We have suggest to move "decision stage" to high category. Explanation: The consultation process of National Adaptation Strategy has been completed. It is expected that the Parliament will approve the document (as a part of 2th National Climate Change Strategy) by autumn, this year.

    • prutsand (Andrea Prutsch) 14 Jul 2014 11:25:55

      Comment addressed

  • mahrepet (Petra Mahrenholz) 18 Jul 2014 08:49:43

    Figure 1.2: Illustrative schematic overview of adaptation policy progress...: To us it seems that MS understood different things in marking the state of the adaptation process as Decision or Implementation. Please delete Germany under “Decision” and add under “Implementation”.

    • prutsand (Andrea Prutsch) 28 Jul 2014 15:16:03


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