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Monitoring, reporting and evaluating the implementation of a national adaptation strategy

Purpose: The Strategy for National Climate Change Management Policy for 2013 – 2050 was adopted in November 2012. The strategy sets the strategic goals of both - Lithuania’s climate change adaptation and mitigation policies. Every two years, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania prepares a report on the implementation of the Strategy to the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania. 

Approach: In order to ensure the implementation of the Strategy the Inter-institutional Action Plan for the goals and objectives (2013-2020) was approved in April 2013. Following the approval of the strategic planning methodology, the Plan is prepared for a three year period and is updated annually. The progress of the implementation of the Strategy is evaluated by a set of criteria established in the Plan.

In addition, ministries and other governmental institutions are obliged to integrate the goals and objectives set out in the Strategy, to establish implementation measures and to ensure close inter-institutional cooperation while developing the strategies, their implementation plans and programmes of individual sectors of the economy.

State and municipal institutions provide the Ministry of Environment with the information about the progress by submitting annual activity reports. These institutions also report on planned measures that could be included in the Plan.

Challenges addressed:

  • The criteria used to measure progress are quantitative.
  • The outcomes of the MRE scheme will feed into further development of the Plan (2013-2016) and the update of the Strategy for the National Climate Change Management Policy. 

The following short-term measures are included in the Inter-institutional Action Plan:

  • Studies to assess vulnerability and opportunities and propose effective adaptation measures and indicators will be conducted for the individual sectors (spatial planning, transport, energy, waste, industry, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, tourism and others);
  • Evaluation of the vulnerability and risks for different regions of Lithuania (2016).

Further details:

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