Folder Task 3 - EAGLEbar coding review Zip download

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Type Title Restrictions Owner Modification date and time File size Edit
PDF D3-1b: EAGLE Matrix Bar Coding_Thematic content guidance Download Stefan Kleeschulte 11/08/2023, 16:50 783 KB
DOCX D3-2_Concept bar coding review acceptance process_draft - updated draft version Download Stefan Kleeschulte 06/10/2023, 17:33 255 KB
ZIP D3-1c: Proposal for standard barcodes Download Stefan Kleeschulte 18/12/2023, 09:30 5 MB
PDF D3-1a Barcoding Manual Version 3.2 Download Stefan Kleeschulte 19/12/2023, 14:35 1 MB
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