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Class SWPressures

  1. Please include here any comments which apply to all the schema elements in this Class.
  2. In addition to those general schema element level comments, we welcome your views on: a) whether you think this Class can be simplified;  and b) whether you think the linkages with other reporting Classes or Schemas can be improved, and how;

Previous comments

  • SI - Slovenia (invited by kristpet (disabled)) 22 Mar 2019 15:41:29

    Comment on significant hydromorphological pressures which are divided into two groups, i.e. 1) abstractions and 2) water flow regulations and morphological alteration.

    Proposed change:

    We propose that the list of possible significant hydromorphological pressures is revised in such a way take it would more consistently take into account hydromorphological elements supporting the biological elements, which are, in accordance with Annex V of the Water Framework Directive, hydrological regime, river continuity, morphological conditions.

    We propose that the list of possible significant hydromorphological pressures is revised, following three different groups of significant pressures:

    1. abstractions and water flow regulations,
    2. interruptions of river continuity,
    3. morphological alterations.

    Explanation for the proposed change:

    add1) Abstractions and water flow regulations are pressures that have impact on hydromorphological element "hydrological regime" (i.e. water abstractions, impoundments, hydropeaking, anthropogenic rapid water level fluctuations, etc.).

    add2) Interruptions of river continuity are pressures that have impact on hydromorphological element "river continuity" (i.e weirs, dams, ramps, etc. causing interruptions to migrations of organisms and sediment transport).

    add3) Morphological alterations are pressures that have impact on hydromorphological element "morphological conditions” (i.e river engineering works, dredging, removal of riparian zone, etc.).

  • NO - Norway (invited by kristpet (disabled)) 03 May 2019 13:10:29

    These changes are too disruptive. We wish to keep it as it is

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