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backgroundConcentrations - Required.(YesNoCode_Enum)

Indicate whether natural background concentrations for metals and their compounds are taken into consideration where such concentrations prevent compliance with the relevant EQS.

Previous comments

  • EUROMETAUX (invited by kristpet (disabled)) 22 Mar 2019 15:36:21

    We suggest the following revisions to this paragraph:

    Guidance on completion of schema element: Required. Indicate whether natural background concentrations for metals and their compounds are taken into consideration where such concentrations prevent affect compliance with the relevant EQS.

    Indicate whether the relevant tiered approach methodology for implementing bioavailability was applied (ref. CIS Guidance on Implementing Metals EQS).

    For metals that have a bioavailable EQS: If EQS failure after Tier 2, indicate if Natural Background Concentrations (NBC) were estimated. If so, indicate whether NBC was ‘significant’ when compared to the annual average dissolved metal concentration.

    For metals with a generic EQS: If EQS failure after Tier 1, indicate if the annual average dissolved metal concentration was subtracted from the Natural Background Concentrations (NBC).

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