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otherMinimumCriteria - Optional.

If the minimum criteria used for the delineation of river water bodies is not based on catchment area, or for lake water bodies is not based on surface area, describe the criteria used.

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  • ES - Spain (invited by kristpet (disabled)) 20 Mar 2019 18:57:55

    Change the explanatory text:

    If the minimum criteria used for the delineation of river water bodies is not based on catchment area, or for lake water bodies is not based on surface area, describe the criteria used.


    If the minimum criteria used for the delineation of river water bodies is not based on catchment area (or not only based on it), or for lake water bodies is not based on surface area (or not only based on it), describe the criteria used. 

    This is the case in Spain where it is based on area but not only on it.

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