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quantitativeCycle - Conditional.

If the groundwater monitoring site is used for quantitative monitoring, report the cycle of monitoring.

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  • ES - Spain (invited by kristpet (disabled)) 20 Mar 2019 18:24:59

    This field relates only to GW quantitative monitoring and it is stated in the schema element 'quantitativeMonitoring' that it is ‘Not applicable’ in the case of ‘waterCategory'=SW.

    Nevertheless further guidance on what should be reported in quantitativeCycle is provided in glossary section 4.3.5 where las column last row of the table shown as an example mentions The element is determined daily every year or continuously (e.g. water table level or river flow)

    The example has generated controversy in some RBDs about whether this field also applies to gauging stations.

    Please modify the example deleting the bold and underlined text mentioned above.

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