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Class: Costs

  1. Please include here any comments which apply to all the schema elements in this Class.
  2. In addition to those general schema element level comments, we welcome your views on: a) whether you think this Class can be simplified;  and b) whether you think the linkages with other reporting Classes or Schemas can be improved, and how;

Previous comments

  • LU - Luxembourg1 (invited by kristpet (disabled)) 02 May 2019 15:22:56

    It is not clear for us which products will be prepared on the basis of the reported data and this should be further explained in the reporting document.

    As it is not always easy to provide the requested data, we would suggest to add, for each schema element for which numbers should be provided, the option to include a comment regarding the reported data. Besides, we are not sure that the reported data are comparable between MS as investment costs for example might be calculated in different ways in the MS and therefore not always include the same kind of costs. By including the option to provide comments, it could become easier to compare the reported data between MS. 

  • Malta (invited by kristpet (disabled)) 02 May 2019 16:15:26

    The current definitions and examples for investment and operational costs provided in the reporting guidance document, do not cover the wide range of measures adopted. The definitions should be elaborated further in order to allow for consistent classification of costs as may be required by different types of measures. For example, costs related to studies, awareness campaigns and training amongst others should also be categorized as investment costs. Thus, having a clearer definition for each cost category would enable a consistent approach across measures. The definitions ideally should include more than one example.

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