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waterReUse - Required.(YesNoCode_Enum)

Indicate whether re-use of water (e.g. from waste water treatment or industrial installations) is considered to have a lower environmental impact than other alternative water supplies (e.g. water transfers or desalinisation).

Previous comments

  • ES - Spain (invited by kristpet (disabled)) 21 Mar 2019 12:28:10

    We propose to delete this quiestion, as the answer could't be just Yes or No. it is too simplistic.

    Water reuse is ususlly a better environmental option to water transfer or desalinization when refering to waste water discharges to the sea.

    In other cases it depends on the managment that the whole reuse system has. The question would have to be answered on a case by case basis (not at RBD level)

    Promoting water reuse for new uses in catchemnts with high explotation index will have important negative impacts in uses downstream that need to be assesed carefully.

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