Topic Question: Guidelines and materials for SENSE-3

28 Apr 2014 11:13:37, ansorchr

Dear SENSE-3 participants and colleagues,

As we will prepare the web tool and technical descriptions for SENSE-3 from now on, we would like to ask you for your wishes and suggestions. What would you consider as most useful in terms of supporting material and guidelines?

We are planning to publish the schema description on the project wiki (as it was done in SENSE-2) and to provide examples. Taking into account your experiences from SENSE-2 we would like to know what you considered as useful and in what field improvements are necessary. How and in what form would you wish the nformation on SENSE-3 provided, in order to make it more understandable and useful for you and your organisation?

Thank you in advance. Any suggestions and ideas are welcome!

Best regards

Christian Ansorge

Message 79427
23 Jun 2014 13:09:36, ansorchr

Dear SENSE-3 participants,

Hereby I would like to inform you that EEA provided the specifications and tools for SENSE-3, listed in the email sent out at the 04/06/2014.

If you already had a chance to have a look at it we would be pleased if you would be so kind to provide us feedback.

Thank you in advance!

Best regards

Christian Ansorge