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Efforts in identifying and assessing adaptation options have been or are being made by about half of the countries and nine more will start with this effort in the near future

12 out of 29 countries report to have undertaken an analysis of suitable options (Figure 2.9). Most of these countries have presented their adaptation activities either in the framework of a National Action Plan (i.e. Austria, Denmark, France – presenting only some adaptation options, Lithuania, Malta, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, UK), in overall climate change policies (i.e. in Belgium in sub-national Climate Plans) or in the format of adaptation plans for selected sectors at various administrative levels (i.e. Portugal, Sweden).

Previous comments

  • mahrepet (Petra Mahrenholz) 18 Jul 2014 09:41:12

    ...of a National Action Plan (i.e. Astria, Denmar, France..: Please add Germany (after "France")

    • prutsand (Andrea Prutsch) 28 Jul 2014 15:20:56


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