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With regard to future plans, seven out of 29 countries report that the update of the assessments has already started (Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom). 14 countries report that this update has been planned but the work on this task has not started yet, while eight out of 29 countries either indicate lack of knowledge (Liechtenstein) on this topic or report that this task is not planned (Denmark, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Switzerland). Some countries from the latter group, (e.g. Switzerland), however, report that new knowledge will keep being implemented continuously, which suggests that updating risk or vulnerability assessments is not always necessary for updating a country's knowledge base.

Previous comments

  • vandevin (Vincent Van Den Bergen) 11 Jun 2014 12:17:22

    in the first line add the Netherlands. The additional assessments are now being undertaken and in full swing.

  • zollemar (Martina Zoller) 01 Jul 2014 15:16:27

    - this task is not planned --> please delete Switzerland

    - please mention Switzerland when it says that new knowledge will keep beeing implemented continuously

    - we believe that a continous implementation of knowledge asks for an update of risk or vulnerability assessments for updating a country's knowledge base

    - please rephrase this last sentence

  • kabzibor (Boryana Kabzimalska) 01 Jul 2014 15:58:17

    On 7 May 2014  the National Programme for Disaster Protection 2014-2018 was adopted. The main priority of the Programme is to analyse and assess the disaster risks in the Republic of Bulgaria and to conduct their mapping. Therefore we would like to suggest to include Bulgaria in the list of countries that have already updated their   risk assessments.

  • francgio (Francesca Giordano) 01 Jul 2014 17:01:31

    The last sentence is not clear: "...updating risk or vulnerability assessments is not always necessary for updating a country's knowledge base..." sounds strange.

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