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Recognition of the importance of the need for adaptation within the adaptation policy process

A number of countries provide some information in their responses that indicates the awareness of the need for adaptation in furthering adaptation.


Latvia recognises the importance of visibility of adaptation in the adaptation policy process. Elements of that roadmap that particularly relate to visibility are:

  • Raising awareness of on-going adaptation activities and projects – creation of a national Internet portal on climate and adaptation to climate change to raise awareness of specialists as well as of general public.
  • Stakeholder mapping and cooperation – regular communications within the frame of two re-established work groups (one of experts and one of ministerial specialist) with targeted round table discussions and expert meeting on specific topic that include inviting all relevant stakeholders.
  • Awareness raising on climate change – recognised importance of raising awareness of the general public on issues related to climate change and of specialists at state and municipal authorities levels on climate change, related impacts, risks and opportunities, as well as adaptation possibilities.
  • Ministry capacity building – need to increase the number of staff in the Ministry within the Climate and Environmental policy integration department able to deal with climate change adaptation issues on a national level.
  • Defining the goal and the main directions of the strategy – the timeframe developed includes regular review and communication of activities with experts, ministerial specialists, relevant stakeholders and the general public.
  • Preparation of national policy planning document – process recognises the need for regular communications and consultations with specialists and stakeholders (2013-2016) on, for example, selection of indicators for detailed assessment of impacts and risks for various sectors with elaboration of the national climate change adaptation strategy (2015-2016).

This roadmap addresses the barriers to adaptation identified by Latvia – lack of political commitment/will, unclear responsibilities and lack of (financial, human) resources. The roadmap is also consistent with the reported importance within the self-assessment survey of targeting discussions with stakeholder groups on climate change risks and possible adaptation measures, national coordination of activities and raising importance of climate change and adaptation in the eyes of all stakeholders. As indicated within the roadmap, these challenges are considered as particularly acute considering that various sectors and municipalities often have different priorities (e.g., social issues, economic recession, business development, and quick solutions to infrastructure issues). Towards addressing these challenges, the roadmap includes elements targeted at increasing the visibility of adaptation, particularly the added value of considering adaptation.


Turkey indicated in its response that awareness about adaptation to climate change is very important and part of good practice. In this perspective it reported that public awareness of climate change and its impacts, and the need for adaptation is a project for the education sector.

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