File 7c. Dataset provided by the JRC - forest area products generated from Global Forest Watch (GFW) - Global Tree Cover data 2000 (version 1.4) at NUTS-1 level

Contributor Bernd Eckhardt
Release date 10/12/2020
All versions
# Language File name Contributor Upload date Size Content type

The folder contains 133 TIF files for NUTS-1 administrative units of all European countries (EEA39 plus Gernsey, Gibraltar, Isle of Man, Jersey, Monaco, San Marino and Vatikan).
These files have to be dropped into the existing file structure under (ATTENTION, very likely):


to match the other GFW folder name structure (2000 and 2010) as in the FISE data table - Status 2020-03-31.xls file.


The zip file has been uploaded via EIONET Web Transfer under the link: