Survey Feedback Climate ADAPT

Survey details

-3566 days left for this survey.


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Provide us your feedback!

The Cities and Towns section of Climate-ADAPT platform serves to provide knowledge base for urban adaptation in Europe. It taps into a database of up-to-date publications and reports on the various topics related to urban adaptation, provides a list of relevant indicators as well as guides the user to other information portals on urban adaptation. The various information search and sharing tools of Climate-ADAPT serve to provide further in-depth information.

Check the urban section and try out the different tools and features of Climate-ADAPT:

Dear participant,

You are kindly invited to provide your feedback on the urban aspects of Climate-ADAPT, the EU adaptation knowledge web portal.  

Your answers, opinions, suggestions will help us to further develop and improve the portal and adaptation knowledge base, as well adjust it to the specific needs of urban adaptation.

... any specific comments?

highly important very important medium important little important not important
General information on what is adaptation
Climate change impacts for your region
Sector-based vulnerabilities & solutions
Adaptation planning and implementation guidance
Examples of adaptation measures in urban areas
Methodologies for the evaluation and choice of adaptation measures
Information on adaptation cost and benefit estimation
Information on options for adaptation funding
News on relevant EU policy developments

... other? please specify:

... any specifying comment or any type of information you miss in Climate-ADAPT?

Could you specify this?


Thank you very much for your contribution!
Optionally, you can provide an email address where you will receive a password and instructions to edit your answers after submission. The email address is not part of the answer and visible only for administrators. In case you'd like to provide a real anonymous answer - please do not use this feature.