Survey Post your questions and ideas for the 3rd ‘Open European Day’ at Bonn Resilient Cities!

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-3619 days left for this survey.


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    11th June 2015 (Following back-to-back the Bonn Resilient Cities Conference)

Dear participant,

For the 3rd edition of the Open European Day we have selected 4 main thematic focuses based on your feedback on last year’s edition and on new upcoming adaptation science and resources. Having at heart organizing an event which is as close as possible to your needs and interests, we would like to give you the possibility to pose leading questions on the thematic focuses selected that you would like to be taken into account during the sessions, or highlight further aspects that you consider crucial.

We thank you in advance for your contribution and look forward to welcoming you on the 11th of June in Bonn for the 3rd edition of the Open European Day!


by integrating different local planning processes and exploiting co-benefits and opportunities of linking climate change mitigation and adaptation measures, with a special stress on the importance of awareness-raising and involvement of different municipal departments and other stakeholders. Please, add your leading questions /further aspects to be taken into account!

by creating co-benefits with urban development projects and exploring opportunities for the preparation of projects eligible for financing by donors. Please, add your leading questions /further aspects to be taken into account!

with a focus on the numerous co-benefits to cities and their inhabitants that these can bring, if planned for correctly. Please, add your leading questions /further aspects to be taken into account!

involving the production, transfer and use of climate knowledge, but also tools, methods and instruments to enable climate-informed decision-making. Please, add your leading questions /further aspects to be taken into account!

For the market place and throughout the sessions we also want to explore possible low-cost and/or low-tech adaptation measures that could inspire others. If you have such measure implemented or planned, we would appreciate if you could indicate this, provide some basic information.

This information is optional, but it is necessary in the case you have submitted an example to which we should get back

Optionally, you can provide an email address where you will receive a password and instructions to edit your answers after submission. The email address is not part of the answer and visible only for administrators. In case you'd like to provide a real anonymous answer - please do not use this feature.