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Eionet Projects

Welcome to Eionet Projects. The purpose of this site is to cooperate on items of shared interest. In order to become a member (i.e. obtain a username and a password) you should read the information supplied for each interest group and then follow the subscription instructions.

Public interest groups
Interest groups you can access (view/download content) without authentication.
2018 EEA report on national CCIV assessments [Request membership]
2019 EEA report on adaptation in the energy system [Request membership]
2019 scoping paper on EEA future work on CCIV [Request membership]
2021 EEA report on climate hazards [Request membership]
BDC Project [Request membership]
DC Biodiversity
Black Sea Marine Region documents [Request membership]
Support to MSFD implementation in Black Sea
Circular Economy monitoring co-creation process 2020 [Request membership]
Material related to a co-creation process in 2020
Cities Europe [Request membership]
Climate-ADAPT [Request membership]
EAGLE [Request membership]
Eionet Action Group on Land Monitoring in Europe
EEA Scientific Committee seminars [Request membership]
Scientific Committee seminars
EEA ecosystem assessments [Request membership]
Eionet-based activity on Tourism and Environment towards 2020 [Request membership]
Working space for an Eionet based activity on tourism and environment as agreed by the Management Board in June 2018
FISE project [Request membership]
Document storage for the Forest Information System for Europe
Favourable Reference Values - ad hoc group [Request membership]
Working space for the ad hoc group on favourable reference values for the nature reporting
Forest ecosystems [Request membership]
HNV Forest area [Request membership]
Development of High Nature Value Forest Area
Land and Ecosystems Accounts [Request membership]
MSFD WG-DIKE Technical Group [Request membership]
Natural capital accounting [Request membership]
Accounting for biodiversity, ecosystems and natural capital.
Nature reporting and MAES [Request membership]
IG for papers related to reporting under the Birds and the Habitats Directives for the pilot on nature reporting
SENSE [Request membership]
Shared European and National State of Environment
Self-assessment of the adaptation policy process in EEA member countries [Request membership]
Contributions to EEA assessment reports: Assessment of national adaptation policy process in 32 EEA Member States
URBAN SPRAWL 2016 [Request membership]
Urban proliferation and nUTS maps
Urban Sustainability [Request membership]
Stakeholders involvement and cities contributions
WISE - Forum/projects training area for the newcomers [Request membership]
A playground to get familiar with the tool
WISE TG and WISE SG [Request membership]
WISE Technical Group and WISE Steering Group
Interest groups you need to be logged in with EIONET account
(READONLY) NFP pre meeting group [Request access]
workspace for the NFP pre meeting work group
Air Implementation Pilot [Request access]
Workspace for the project participants
Atkins [Request access]
Atkins data deliveries
BISE project [Request access]
project group working on BISE
CDDA restricted distribution [Request access]
Restricted area for distributing prefilled CDDA country templates
CO2 monitoring: Heavy-duty vehicles [Request access]
Climate-ADAPT IT development [Request access]
DG CLIMA project for IT development of Climate-ADAPT
Climate-ADAPT Science-Policy Forum [Request access]
DG CLIMA project on a science-policy forum including workshops
Development shared documents [Request access]
EEA Expert Panel on Noise [Request access]
EEA Staff Committee [Request access]
surveys, meetings etc.
EEA geospatial reference data [Request access]
EEA global setting 13-15 May 2009 [Request access]
EMAS working group [Request access]
Eco-Management and Audit Scheme EEA Team
END Quality Checking [Request access]
ETC quality checking reports for DGE
ETC-QA [Request access]
Q&A for ETC managers and EEA coordinators
EU Registry and E-PRTR/LCP [Request access]
Data flow on streamlined E-PRTR, LCP and IED reporting
EUNIS Project [Request access]
Project team for contribution to EUNIS
European Red List of Birds – image library [Request access]
The library contains the images delivered under the European Red List for Birds project.
Groupware Help production [Request access]
Workspace for creation and testing of new matierial for guidance and help
INSPIRE cooperation EEA-JRC [Request access]
IWA Water, Climate and Energy Programme [Request access]
Mediterranean MSFD implementation [Request access]
NECD [Request access]
Report from the Air Emission Inventory Review under the new NEC Directive
Natura 2000 and Emerald data flows [Request access]
NatureWatch Pilot Project [Request access]
PITE - Pharmaceuticals in the Environment [Request access]
Pharmaceuticals in the Environment
Packaging Waste [Request access]
Performance of Water Utilities beyond Compliance [Request access]
Pilot project WB [Request access]
Project on marine data coherence [Request access]
Questionnaire transport and adaptation [Request access]
Reportnet 2.0 [Request access]
Project site for the Reportnet 2.0 project
Reportnet 3 - Development [Request access]
A project site for the Reportnet 3 development project
Review of EEA report 'Adaptation in Europe' [Request access]
SENSE-2 Project [Request access]
Workspace for the SENSE-2 project team
SERIS Revision [Request access]
project space for testing and discussions
SOER 2015 Coordination Group [Request access]
European Environment State and Outlook Report 2015
SOER 2015 Workshops [Request access]
Stakeholder discussions on sustainability transition
Shared testingTest [Request access]
experimenting together with colleagues
Spatial Assessment Team [Request access]
To develop a ‘European integrated data platform for spatial and thematic assessments
Tourism and environment - TOUERM [Request access]
Developing a regular reporting mechanism
Waste – Group of 4 workspace [Request access]
restricted workspace for coopertation
Water Industry Framework Contracts [Request access]
Water accounts and river fragmentation [Request access]
Workgroup on CHM developments [Request access]

Archived Interest groups

Not accessible. Kept for documentation. You can request access to content via HelpDesk.

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